3DO Accessories & Mods

Creative Labs 3DO Blaster

Launched in 1994 at $399 (around £300) , Creative Labs were granted a  3DO license to build a PC expansion card . They built a limited run of these expensive 3DO blaster ISA boards for Win 3.1  PC. This required the user to have a  spare 16 BIT ISA slot, a SoundBlaster Pro card and a CR-563 CD-ROM installed. Very rare and very expensive.

3DO Mouse FZ-JM1

The 3DO Mouse FZ-JM1 supported Crime Patrol, Cyberdillo, Drug Wars, Kingdom: The Far Reaches, Lemmings, Mad Dog II, Myst, Policenauts, Shanghai: Triple-Threat, Space Pirates, The Last Bounty Hunter, World Cup Golf and Zhadnost. This mouse is also now supported on the the HomeBrew version of  REAL Tempest.

3DO Mouse
3DO Mouse

3DO CH Flight stick Pro

CH Flightstick Pro joystick which supported: Blade Force, Killing Time, The Need for Speed, Phoenix 3, PO’ed, Return Fire, Shock Wave 2, Shock Wave: Operation JumpGate, Flying Nightmares, Star Fighter, Star Wars: Rebel Assault, Super Wing Commander, Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger and VR Stalker

3DO CH Flight Stick Pro
3DO CH Flight Stick Pro

Video CD adapter

Video CD cards . These came in 2 variants- one for the  FZ-1 and one for FZ-10. The  FZ-FV1 and FZ-FV10  allowed playback of  the  soon to be defunct Video CD MPEG 1 format. No games I’m aware of made extra use of this add-on to offer an enhanced version of FMV playback.

3DO Digital Stick controller

The Panasonic FZ-JS1 digital controller was only sold in Japan and allowed connections to other 3DO controllers for daisy chaining , as well as having auto fire and turbo button options.

Panasonic Karaoke mixer

This rare 3DO Karaoke mixer allowed you to play an audio cd in the 3DO unit and use the front mixer knob to mute the singing. You could then plug in one or two mikes and sing along over the CD music.

This was specifically aimed at the Japanese market .

3DO Gamegun

The American Laser games gun allows players to play the following supported light gun games : Corpse Killer, Crime Patrol, Demolition Man, Drug Wars, Gunslinger’s Collection (compilation bundling both Mad Dog games with Crime Patrol), The Last Bounty Hunter, Mad Dog McCree, Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold, Space Pirates and Who Shot Johnny Rock

CAPCOM Soldier JoyPad

Quite a strange looking joypad but pretty comfortable to hold. Capcom released this 6 button Street Fighter joypad  in conjunction with StreetFighter II Turbo game, to help players suffering with the original 3DO joypad and having difficulty pulling off streetfighter moves.

3DO Memory Unit

Memory card FZ-EM256: This was a TDK 128k static RAM card and expanded the 3DO’s 32kb of NVRAM to let customers store more game save states. Came with a memory management CD and sold only in Japan.

3DO ODE by Fixel

Recently I had my FZ-1 console modded by Neil at  https://8bitplus.co.uk/ to rip out the CD Drive and replace it with a circuit board developed by Fixel. There is also a front housing available that fits into the gap made by the missing CD drive and lets you add/remove your micro SD card easily.

The interface is good and the conversion has so far worked flawlessly. It is really fast booting up games and so convenient having all the games on one card.

I do still love collecting the long boxes but for ease of play this conversion is fantastic. Fixel also sells a external unit that attaches to the back of the console, if you need to retain your CD drive.

I loaded the instruction manual and the current Boot.iso here.
Fixel’s website is here