Burning Soldier 3DO review

Burning Soldier 3DO


“Burning Soldier” is an on-rails space shooter for the 3DO, developed by Genki in 1994, utilizing the console’s high-quality video streaming capabilities.

Storyline and Setting

Set in 2095, the Kaisertian race attacks the human base on Mars and then Earth itself after apparently occupying Earth ‘tens of thousands of years ago’ and then being destroyed by a ‘catastrophic flood’ (where was Noah?). It’s up to players to defend Earth against the re-invasion. Despite a somewhat old-school sci-fi attacking aliens storyline, the game features 18 intense stages and introduces a good variety of enemies.

Graphics and Visuals

Graphically, it offers a mix of diverse FMV sequences, explosions, and overlaid sprites but annoyingly restricts the player’s view with cockpit instrumentation in either a landscape view during missions or a portrait view when fighting bosses.

Soundtrack and Voice Acting

The rock/jazz CD soundtrack captures a ’90s vibe with diverse prog-rock music genres, and personally, I think the music rocks. There is even a musical surprise with an unexpected ’80s ballad during the credits.

The vocal work, primarily from the narrator, is, however, very overdramatic and cheesy, providing some unintentional humor with his tone and pronunciation. (So Larr System – I’m Hit, Game Over – Disgusting!)

Gameplay Mechanics

As with most on-rails shooters, “Burning Soldier” lacks a strategic challenge but is engaging because it requires 100% focus and good hand/eye coordination. There is a chargeable energy lock-on beam, but this takes too long to charge with the constant onslaught of red torpedoes.

The stages play out until completion, and boss fights require hitting red circular targets within a time limit. Despite infinite continues, the highest difficulty level is a challenge, and the lack of auto-fire makes using a programmable rapid-fire controller essential. Also, the aiming reticule’s jerky D-pad controls make you long for an analog joystick or a light gun.

Game Duration and Co-op Play

The game’s 18 stages can be completed in under half an hour with concentration, revealing the game’s original artwork as a reward. Co-op play is available, and a four-player mode can be unlocked using a cheat on the second controller.

Overall Experience

I found “Burning Soldier” and the soundtrack very enjoyable as it took me into the zone where I could block everything out while having to concentrate on the alien onslaught. Of course, it does lack depth and is not really pushing the 3DO capabilities, but for what it is – it’s a fun cheesy Sci-Fi Manga adrenaline ride. The overall experience is comparable to “Starblade,” making it a good choice for enthusiasts of this type of fast-paced shooter.


Burning Soldier artwork

Kaisertian sketch
Strike Fighter sketch
Enemy Fighters sketch

Burning Soldier Instruction book

Burning Soldier manual

Intro video and gameplay


All FMV intros and streaming cinepak levels

Game CD box

Burning Soldier Soundtrack

Key Points

  • “Burning Soldier” is a 1994 on-rails space shooter for the 3DO, developed by Genki.
  • The game utilizes the 3DO’s high-quality video streaming capabilities.
  • Set in 2095, the story involves defending Earth from the Kaisertian race, who previously occupied Earth tens of thousands of years ago.
  • Features:
    • 18 intense stages with a variety of enemies.
    • Graphics include FMV sequences, explosions, and overlayed sprites.
    • Gameplay views restricted by cockpit instrumentation.
  • Soundtrack:
    • Rock/jazz CD soundtrack capturing a 90’s vibe.
    • Features a diverse range of prog rock genres and an unexpected 80’s ballad during the credits.
    • Vocal work is overly dramatic and cheesy, providing unintentional humor.
  • Gameplay:
    • Requires 100% focus and good hand/eye coordination.
    • Includes a chargeable energy lock-on beam with slow charge time.
    • Boss fights involve hitting red targets within a time limit.
    • Infinite continues with challenging highest difficulty level.
    • Programmable rapid-fire controller is essential due to lack of auto-fire.
    • Jerky D-pad controls make an analogue joystick or light gun preferable.
  • Game can be completed in under half an hour, revealing original artwork as a reward.
  • Co-op play and a four-player mode (unlocked via cheat on the 2nd controller) are available.
  • Overall, “Burning Soldier” is a fun, cheesy Sci-Fi Manga adrenaline ride, comparable to “Starblade.”

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