Released August 15th 1995, and created by Studio 3DO , Killing Time revolves around an Egyptology student embroiled in a sinister mystery. The disappearance of the Water-Clock of Thoth, a powerful ancient relic discovered by Dr. Hargrove, propels the protagonist into a harrowing quest.
The trail leads to Tess Conway, a wealthy heiress fascinated by the occult and the power of an ancient Water Clock that can stop time and create immortality. Tess invites her inner circle to Matinicus Isle, her remote estate, to harness the Water-Clock’s power. She wishes to grant herself and friends eternal life. This however backfires when Duncan kills her and her blood triggers the water clocks powers too soon. The island friends are converted to undead spirits and ghouls and Duncan is condemned to become Seth in a final curse from Tess as she dies.
Players must navigate a web of deceit, betrayal, and horror as they uncover the island’s dark secrets, facing ghostly apparitions, demonic forces, and the undead. You need to collect all the artifacts scattered around the island and then track down the Water Clock and destroy it. This reveals the ending FMV which shows Tess appearing with a tommy gun and killing Seth (Duncan).
The ending doesn’t really make allot of sense. However in the later PC version Tess is transformed into Isis and invites the player to join her with her island of undead – which leads to an end boss battle with Isis.
The opening cinematic transports players to Boldt Castle, a real-world Gothic Revival mansion in the Thousand Islands region. This haunting locale sets the tone for the eerie and atmospheric adventure awaiting players on Matinicus Isle.
The game is a first-person shooter featuring weapons like a crowbar, flame thrower, dual pistols, Tommy gun, and a magical Ankh. As stated , players must collect special artifacts hidden around the island that contain elements of Tess’s spirit . These also grant the player one-off power-ups.
The non-linear island has no load times, and defeated enemies and collected items persist across playthroughs. Movement mechanics like strafing, crouching, and jumping are required, and weapon supplies are hidden throughout, as explained in the early ghost exchange before you enter the garden maze. The game has no multiplayer functionality but emphasizes exploration and resource management in a seamless open environment.
Killing Time immerses players in a haunted mansion filled with eerie corridors and ghostly enemies. A standout feature is its innovative approach to storytelling: live-action performances are seamlessly integrated into gameplay, with ghostly figures delivering key plot points in real-time. This keeps the narrative flowing without interrupting the player’s experience.
Visually, Killing Time is a standout for the 3DO. Its detailed environments, rich colourful textures, and dynamic lighting effects create a gripping atmosphere. The art deco style enhances the game’s eerie ambiance, and Studio 3DO’s seamless streaming technology eliminates load times, providing a relatively smooth, immersive experience.
The game’s haunting soundtrack, blending ambient and dynamic music, heightens the sense of dread. Sound effects like creaking floorboards and ghostly wails add to the overall tension, making Killing Time a rich audio-visual experience.
Despite its strengths, Killing Time suffers from performance issues. The sluggish frame rate can make movement and targeting frustrating, though it still fares better than the disappointing Doom port on 3DO. On some levels like the Assyrian Experience things get very very difficult- e.g. it’s very hard to see the edge of walkways and skeleton fireballs constantly knock you off into flaming pits where you can die quickly.
These issues, however, don’t overshadow its groundbreaking storytelling and fantastic presentation.
Killing Time was later ported to PC in 1996 after 3DO collapsed and recently the game was revived as Killing Time Resurrected in 2024, reaffirming its cult classic status.
The Game Guru tool allows players to reduce the difficulty with various cheats and patches and lets you see experience more of the game if you are struggling.
Killing Time remains a testament to Studio 3DO’s creativity and technical prowess. Its innovative storytelling, atmospheric design, and memorable gameplay make it a hidden gem worth exploring for both 3DO enthusiasts and first-person shooter fans.
Visuals and Sound: