A classic modern American cowgirl, Crimson Smith (real name) rides her iron horse across the paved planes of the middle and western United States. The only daughter in a family of 12 children, Crimson was a “tom-boy” as a child. She showed no interest at all in dolls or other typical “girl toys” but instead took up wrestling and boxing to fill her time.
It wasn’t until her early teens when she started becoming a woman that the men she had hung out with started to treat her as anything but one of the boys.
Deciding that she was not going to change her ways for anyone, Crimson surmised that the best way to gain the guys’ respect was to beat the living hell out of them. By 22, she had done just that, one, two and often dozens at a time, in just about every sleazy bar west of the Mississippi River.
Basic Moves:
Chin Liu is a model martial artist. Sound of mind, body, and heart, the young Liu quickly grew in skill and finesse, eventually earning an apprenticeship at the Beijing Opera House. Here he training with other prodigies under the best masters that China has to offer. Graduating first in his class, two classes early, Chin Liu’s rapid kicks and punches, as well as a smattering of seemingly superhuman skills, earned him the nickname “The Dragon”.
Basic Moves:
Over 1,000 years ago the god Xing Tso fell in love with a mortal girl whose beauty was so great that it inspired him to cross the great bridge between heaven and earth. This girl, however, was betrothed to the mad magician king Quan Ming.
Furious that a mere god would try to steal away his property, the king used his powers to warp the soul of the young girl, binding her to the Wheel of Great Transmigrations in such a way as to insure that she would be reincarnated time after time with no hope of release to heaven and in such a form that even her divine lover could not find her.
Basic Moves:
Born and raised 1,100 miles from the nearest neighbour in the outback of Australia, Jake Querious knew no other children while he was growing up. In fact, until he was 17 his parents neglected to inform him that there were other people on the earth besides him and them. By six years old Jake was more than able to fend for himself. Gone for weeks at a time with nothing but his trusty staff, Jake survived on the meat of the snakes that were attracted to him by the rattlesnake rattles that adorned his belt. It is these rattles that would later earn him his nickname.
Basic Moves:
Born of American businessman Michael Cash and his wife Delores Cash during a business trip in Japan, Jeremy Cash began his life in the fast paced world of international business. By the age of two he had been in over 28 countries. Tragically, his parents perished shortly before his fourth birthday in a plane crash that left him barely alive in the Japanese mountains.
Rescued and adopted by a local Japanese farmer, Jeremy began his formative years as the only gaijin (foreigner) in the town of Kyosaka where he was raised. In order to help him, the farmer began to teach Jeremy the martial arts. Rapidly overtaking his master, Jeremy quickly developed his own individual techniques, taking advantage of his seemingly supernatural light weight to allow him to extend his talents past that of other martial artists.
Basic Moves:
A violent child since birth, Simon Gaines was destined for the military. No one realized exactly how good Gaines was at combat, however, until the military started training him in the arts of war. Quickly rising in skill and rank, it was not long until someone in the brass saw his potential for the covert operations department of the British Military, the SAS.
Gaines moved up quickly in the SAS, and eventually he became leader of the Iron Hawks, a quick attack unit that the SAS used in dire situations. Often sent on suicide missions, an Iron Hawk has a life expectancy of 1.7 missions. Gaines had survived 16 missions before he was sent on the mission code-named “Jungle Death”.
Basic Moves:
While Boosted:
The head of the Shitake clan of Ninjas, not much is known of the one they simply call “The Ninja”. What is known is that his services are affordable only to the very richest, that his methods are known only to him, and that his service record is perfect.
The Ninja has many enemies — Konotori and the Dragon are but two. His only “friends” are the members of his clan and a select group of outsiders whom he has met on one or more of his missions. It is known that one of these people is Major Gaines, who the Ninja has found himself fighting alongside in more than one private war. It is also known that if the price were right, his friendship would be put aside and the Ninja would fight anyone.
Normal Moves:
Malcolm Fox is the son of an African ambassador to France. As a child, he rebelled against his father, and his father’s impeccable sophistication, by roaming the streets of Paris in gangs and eventually becoming the leader of the largest band of toughs in Paris.
One night, while “wilding” in the streets, Malcolm’s gang came upon and quickly began mugging a wealthy Thai businessman. Watching in awe as Malcolm single-handedly dispensed his three internationally renowned bodyguards and fearing that he was next, the businessman made Malcolm a deal that he couldn’t refuse. Without pause, Malcolm turned on his gang, and minutes later, with their bodies littering the alleyway, he swore an oath and began his life as a bodyguard.
Basic Moves:
Nobunaga epitomizes the Japanese desire for inner perfection. The child prodigy of a Kendo master, Nobunaga took to the sword before walking. Rigorously schooled in classic Kendo by his parents by day while heading out after dark to practice and learn from other masters at night, Nobunaga quickly became one of Japan’s foremost young Kendo champions.
Swearing off all but swordplay, Nobunaga rarely speaks, rarely eats, and rarely sleeps. His technique has been called superhuman, and surely some of his moves can be classified as supernatural.
Basic Moves:
Basic Moves:
Abbot can’t jump straight up, duck, or do regular air attacks.
Basic Moves:
Note that Kull cannot jump or duck. He doesn’t appear to have strong attacks (LS+A or RS+C) either.
The Psychedelic Stage:
Enter a name of “PARANOID”, date May 5 1975.
The stage will be available from the arena menu.
The Boss Codes:
Then go to VS mode, and move your character box to the right of Crimson Glory. It will move over and you’ll be able to play as that boss. It doesn’t matter which player you enter the name for, both will work.